A Department of Transportation physical examination, also known as a DOT physical exam, is a medical check-up required by the US government to drive a commercial motor vehicle. Usually, there are two requirements; a commercial driver's license (CDL) and a valid DOT medical card. This card is proof that you've successfully passed your DOT physical exam.
Most professional bus and heavy vehicle drivers find getting their commercial driver's license relatively easy. The process is straightforward, and there are no plot holes. Conversely, a Department of Transportation physical exam can be tricky, as most people need to be made aware of the correct procedure and what standard you'll need to meet. But don't worry, as we've got you covered.
Here is all the relevant information regarding the DOT physical exam!
First of all, what's a DOT physical exam? A DOT physical exam is a medical examination required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to give clearance to a person driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). This test must be conducted by only licensed "medical examiners" registered by the FMCSA.
An experienced practitioner will run a series of relevant tests in this medical exam to clear the DOT medical card. Clearing the DOT physical exam has been an integral part of acquiring the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) or Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) since 2014. This examination ensures that all the drivers behind the wheels of a commercial-scale vehicle are medically, physically, and emotionally fit.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam is done to ensure that you're fit enough to meet the demands of your job as a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) driver. Before you're permitted, each relevant aspect of your healthcare is checked thoroughly. That way, CMV drivers are deemed fit to control heavy-weight vehicles without putting the lives of other vehicles' passengers in danger.
You may wonder whether you need a DOT physical exam clearance. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires you to clear a DOT physical exam if you are subjected to any of the following:
Only FMCSA-certified medical practitioners can perform a DOT physical exam. They ensure that medical problems won't tamper with your driving skill sets. Here's the complete DOT physical exam procedure.
Vision is the primary ability of a certified bus driver. So, the DOT Physical exam will have a vision check-up. Your examiner will ensure a solid 20/40 vision for both eyes. If you use vision glasses, make sure to take them along. You'll also be subjected to a color test.
A Color test is necessary to check whether the applicant can distinguish between traffic signals from a distance.
The blood pressure test ensures that a driver can stay calm even in hectic situations. The applicant's blood pressure must be at or below 140/90. That doesn't include the perspective of medication. It means you can take blood pressure medication to sustain your blood pressure and still get a 2-year certification.
A hearing test ensures that the applicant can listen to any necessary sounds on the road, even in heavy weather. The hearing test is usually done by making the applicant hear a forced whisper from approximately five feet away. That way, the examiner can verify that the applicant's hearing capabilities are okay.
In reflex and movement tests, the DOT examiner will check for spinal deformities or movement impairments. It is done to check for any deformities that may affect your driving capabilities.
It is a test of any respiratory problems. For example, if the applicant has a lung condition, there's a high chance of rejection.
A neurological examination is also crucial for a DOT physical exam. The examiner will check for your reflexes speed via different techniques. The doctor will also check for neurological disease symptoms that may affect your ability to drive a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). For example, if you have epilepsy or any other seizure disorder, you'll be immediately disqualified.
The examiner also does urine testing in a DOT physical examination. The applicant is checked for underlying issues, such as diabetes or kidney stones, via urinalysis.
A thorough physical assessment is also a part of the DOT physical exam. The following categories will be covered in this part of the test.
The applicant's general appearance.
If you're physically and mentally fit, there's no significant preparation needed. In such cases, DOT physical exam will be like your usual medical check-up. On the other hand, if you're not up to the medical standards of being a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), you might need to improve your health condition.
For instance, if you're overweight, you need to exercise and lose body fat. Or, if you're suffering from a medical condition, you need to go with the latest check-up results and treatment details. So, make sure your prescriptions and medication information are up to date, and you're good to go.
Your regular family doctors won't be concluding your DOT physical exam. So, in most cases, you'll consult a new medical expert. Knowing what medical documents, you should take will save time and effort. Here is a list for you to go through:
We have the perfect solution for you if you want to avoid all the trouble of finding a certified medical practitioner. With exceptional service quality and FMCSA-certified practitioners, Aziz Medical Center is a fantastic option for your Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam. So book an appointment now, and let us take care of the rest!
We hope you've everything you need regarding DOT physical exam and you found all the information in the above article relevant and helpful. To help you further, here are a few frequently asked questions on the Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam.
Yes! DOT (Department of Transportation) and CDL (Commercial Driver's license) physical examination are two names for a single thing.
You need 20/40 vision with corrective eyewear and glasses to pass the DOT eye exam for your commercial driver's license (CDL) clearance. Also, distinguishing between colors from a distance is a must.
Yes, you should be as transparent as possible. It'll help you make your case, and the DOT physician will also trust you as an applicant. So, you must tell the examiner about all of your medical histories. Also, you can be subjected to a fine if you lie during DOT physicals.
No, medication or treatment therapies usually are not counted as disabilities. So, as long as you have the latest medical report and prescription statements, there's nothing to worry about. You can also get a verification statement from your regular physician that your treatment is working and you'll be better soon. That'll help clear the DOT physicals.
No, drug tests aren't a part of DOT physicals. Your examiner will take your blood but not look for any legal or illegal substances. However, your CMV employer can ask for a drug test in particular. In that case, you can make an exception by asking for a regular drug test to be included in the DOT medical report.
You can fail a DOT physical exam if you have the following conditions of DOT certification requirements:
Extreme medical conditions.
Failing a DOT physical is quite common, and it's not much of an issue. CDL exams ensure that you can handle yourself and that your medical conditions won't threaten the lives of others in danger. If you fail to clear the DOT physicals, look out for the reasons and try to improve your health.
Consult a doctor and look for medical treatment plans to improve your health. After a certain treatment period, you can reappear in the DOT physical exam.